<% dim rs,conn on error resume next conn="DBQ="+server.mappath("datebase.mdb")+";DefaultDir=;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION") rs.open conn %> XIANNING Greenland Fertilizer Co.,Ltd


Calcium ammonium nitrate/Calcium nitrate granular 6

Molecular Formula: 5Ca(NO3)2•NH4•NO3•10H2O

Molecular Weight: 1080.71

It is white or grey granular which dissolves in water absolutely .It is a new type high-efficient compound fertilizer .It contains nitrogen and calcium ,and also supplies nitrogen to plant quickly .the nutrient is more than ammonium nitrate ,and can be absorbed by the plant directly.



Industry Grade


Grey granules white


15.5% min

ammoniacal nitrogen 1.1% min

Nitrate Nitrogen

14.4% min

Ca 18.5% min

water insoluble


PH value 5-7

Uses :
This product is a neutral fertilizer and can improve the quality of soil .It can change the PH value of the soil ,loosen the soil ,reduce the density of active aluminium .Meanwhile ,it offers water soluble calcium and improve the resistance to the disease of plant .It can lengthen the florescence ,promote the root,stem,leaf to grow normally .Ensuring the color of the fruit is bright and the fruit candy can be increased

Package: 25kgs net export worthy bag